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The ‘Book Em All’ Call Script: How This Plumber Increased Appointment Booking by 490% (without firing the receptionist)

RESULT ALERT!! In 30 days, a plumber used this EXACT script to increase call booking rate from 18% to 87%. Today, we’re going to show you exactly how he did it…

Table of Contents:

If you’re running a plumbing business or any service business, then you know how hard it is to get the phone ringing consistently.

You pay for Google ads…

You pay for Yelp ads…

You pay for SEO…

You pay for social media marketing…

So, when the phone actually does ring… from a real customer… the last thing you need is to lose the job! Enter the Book Em All Call Script!

Unfortunately, this is the common case for most service businesses because the people answering the phones are not well-trained.

Today, we’re going to give you the answer to your problems… the shwego™ Book Em All call script. This script is going to teach your people:

  • What to say when answering the phone
  • How to deal with pushy customers that want things their way
  • The best way to get the appointment booked and move on!

Here are actual results from a plumber who used these techniques:


Common Problems Faced By “Phone Answerers”

Let’s face it: the person answering the phone is one of the most important people in your company. If he or she is having a bad day, you could lose customers. And losing customers means losing money—you get it.

So, let’s break down some of the common reasons why appointments don’t get booked:

  • Pricing over the phone: They want pricing over the phone, and you don’t want to give it. They don’t want to book without a price. The saga continues…
  • Won’t pay diagnostics fees: They don’t want to pay your diagnostics or trip charge.
  • Indecisive about booking appointments: They are indecisive and won’t commit to a concrete appointment time/date.

How do you handle these common problems and book your job?

Read on…

3 Core Phone Skills

To book appointments successfully on the phone, you need to keep these three key points in mind at all times.

  1. Lead the conversation: The caller ultimately wants to solve their plumbing problem. Don’t get hung up on details. Remember that solving their problem is the ultimate goal. Lead them to this.
  2. Give more than you take: If you refuse to give a price over the phone or budge on your diagnostics fee, you must return something greater. (For example, “I can’t give you a price on the phone without seeing your exact issue, but let me do you one better… I can have someone out there as soon as today…”).
  3. Two options for success: When booking an appointment, provide two options. If neither works, provide two more. People like simple choices. (For example, “I have 1 PM or 4 PM. What works better for you?”) Keep going until they pick one.

Dealing With “I want a price over the phone!”

Remember one thing… these people are calling you to solve a plumbing problem. So, if you can prove competent, they will most likely commit to an appointment… because they want their issue solved!

It’s too much of a pain in the you know what to call another company.

Show them you are the real deal, and they will follow your lead.

But what usually happens?

Caller: Hi, a pipe in my basement is leaking. I need someone to come out and fix it. What is the price to do something like this?

You: We can help you with your leaking pipe. Unfortunately, we don’t give pricing out over the phone. I need someone to come look at your issue.

Caller: I understand, but I need a rough cost estimate before I commit to an appointment, etc.
…on and on and on…


You: I can appreciate your need to get a price quote now. I can assure you that we can provide a MUCH more accurate quote if we can look at the leak in person. If I give you a price now, I could be way off… you think I’m too high and call someone else… and then you miss the chance to have one of the best technicians fix your leak.

I’ll tell you what I can do for you… I can have my tech out there as soon as today. I have 1 PM and 4 PM available or any time in between. What works best for you?

BOOM! You took control, led the conversation, and directed it to where you wanted it.

Key points:

  • You are taking from the relationship when you refuse to provide a price over the phone
  • You must give something back that is greater to overcome this obstacle
  • It is a take-and-give scenario
  • Solidify your reasoning with positive language

Take: I won’t give you what you want (price on phone)

Give: I’ll do ya one better! I can have someone out there this afternoon!

Solidify: If I give you a price over the phone, you might overpay! Plus, you will miss out on one of the best plumbing techs in the city to fix your leak. Follow my lead, and it will be okay!

Handling “I won’t pay a diagnostics fee”

Some plumbing companies charge nominal diagnostics fees or trip charges. But not all customers want to pay these fees. Here’s how you handle that…

Caller: I refuse to pay your diagnostics fee.

You: I can understand your concern. Did you know we are one of the top-rated plumbing companies in (insert your city)? That’s why you called us, right? In fact, we have these certifications, won these awards, and (this technician) is one of the best plumbers in town. We simply charge these fees to cover some small costs and so that we know customers are serious. Plus, they will get applied to your project anyway, so you aren’t out of pocket.

I can even have him out there today!

I have 1 PM and 4 PM available today. What works better for you?

Here are the key points of your response…

  • Show the value, not the cost: We are one of the best plumbers in town. When you use us, you know the job will get done right the first time.
  • Have it make sense: Explain why you charge those fees (we need to cover our costs and know that customers are serious).
  • Make it a no-brainer: It will get applied to your project, so it’s not that big of a deal.
  • Give something better: I can have someone out today!
  • Close with two options: This time or this time, what works better for you?

Customer won’t commit to time

Remember, people like to make choices, and they like to be led by an expert.

DO NOT ASK, “What time works for you?”

INSTEAD, give them two simple options – this keeps you in the driver’s seat of the conversation.

SAY, “I understand you have a hectic schedule; we have Tuesday and Wednesday free this week. What works better for you?”

(they pick Tuesday)

“Great! I have 11 AM or 3 PM available. What works better for you?”

Start big and get small…

If the customer is very indecisive about his/her schedule, start big and narrow it down…

  • This week or next week. What’s better?
  • This day or that day. What’s better?
  • This time or that time. What’s better?

PRO TIP: If they say neither option works, rinse and repeat…

Customer: “I don’t have Tuesday or Wednesday free.”

You: “No problem! Checking my schedule… I have Monday or Friday. What works better?”

Eventually, they will pick something!

Key Take-Aways

  • The person answering the phone is the most important person in your business.
  • People are calling with their plumbing problems – they want those solved first.
  • Obstacles about price or time are easily overcome.
  • Be the leader of the conversation.
  • Give more than you take.
  • Two options… rinse and repeat.

Until next time,

